Showing posts with label Rising. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rising. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Rising

A loud noise on the television woke her up. She had fallen asleep on the plastic chairs she was resting on with her feet up. It was almost morning- what poets wax eloquent about- the magical hour before dawn, when the blue of the sky is a brilliant blue, when the yellow of the sun soothes before burning. For Riya, it wasn't very magical. It meant she had woken up way too early before the start of the day. She rubbed her eyes trying to rid them of any residual sleep. This was beginning to happen way too often for her liking.

She walked into the tiny balcony which extended out from her living room. There wasn't enough space even to swing a cat in. That phrase had always fascinated her. Why would anyone want to swing a cat in a room. It was sure something to think about. Her room mates would be up soon. Before the flat was filled with the bustling noise of thumping footsteps, she savored the last quiet few moments of solitude. It was impossible to be alone in Mumbai. Wherever you went, you felt like you were being carried along by a sea of humans.

Her morning tasks done, she headed down 15 floors to start her work day. If walking in Mumbai was being carried along by a sea of humans, driving was like following a trail of ants walking in a line. It was exhausting and mind numbing to say the least. There used to be a time when she had enjoyed driving in Mumbai. Now it was just part of the job. She swung the cab door open and stepped in. Switching on the Uber app on her phone, she accepted the first ride of the day and drove into the packed road.