Thursday, April 23, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Trip

Links to Previous Parts:

Riya drove slowly past the new Starbucks that had opened on the Link Road. "Does this work?" she said, slightly tilting her head towards the back of the car. He gave an almost imperceptible nod of the head. She drew up alongside the kerb and pressed the End Trip button. Her wallet refreshed and she unlocked his door to allow him to disembark. 

"You are coming with me," he exclaimed. " What about my trips? I have to make my required number," Riya retorted angrily. " How about I pay you for the whole day?" He shot back. " What's the catch?" She said narrowing her eyes at him. This wasn't the first time she had had to fend off the unwanted attentions of a customer. But he did not seem to be that sort of chap.

"There is no catch," he sighed. " If you want, we can get this cup of coffee. Then you can drive me around all you want! There is somewhere I have to be. That is also somewhere I don't want to be. I am willing to make it worth your while." "Ok, I will try it for an hour, but I am warning you .. No funny business."

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