It is in a fashion a nod to the tale of two cities, in this case two people named after cities. Milan and Roma, the protagonists of this story have a unique symbiotic relationship. It is not a story of traditional affection or familial relationships. It is the story of an enduring love and the consequences which everyone faces as a result. Milan, is a not unusually confused individual, sort of going through a mid life crisis.
Milan starts of as a sort of clueless individual, he does not have a clue beyond his music. So, it is a poetic justice of a kind that when faced with needing to communicate with Roma, he chooses to use music. We follow Milan's evolution from a self centered individual to a person almost obsessed with helping Roma. It could be love which drives him tinted with a bit of guilt. But whatever he feels for Roma makes him behave in ways he never imagined, forge relationships he would never have otherwise and learn to be a better and worse personality than he could have ever become himself.
This takes living with a conjoined twin or a sibling that you have to take care of to a whole new level. The story follows Roma and Milan's journey and leaves you wondering if Roma is the Milan's muse or the albatross around his neck.
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