Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour. Show all posts

Thursday, April 16, 2015

A to Z Challenge: Labour

Links to previous parts:


The red sand blew into his eyes as he squinted into the camera. Rini stood at a distance, discussing seriously with one of the village women about how best to run the anti female foeticide campaign. She sure took her work seriously. In the two weeks that they had spent here, Rini had recruited him to build bathrooms for 4 houses, refurbish 3 village schools and coach innumerable number of soccer teams. This was in addition to his day long shooting videos and photographs and recording interviews. He didn't really mind. After a long time, he was finally feeling like he was making a difference.

"Aryan, watch out for your camera. The red sand can scratch and ruin the lens." she screamed across the plain. For such a small person, she sure had an imposing voice, Aryan thought to himself as he broke out of his reverie. She could be such a nag to. But it had to be acknowledged that she was always looking out for everybody else. She was willing to sacrifice anything, give up anything just so others could have a share of the happiness that always seemed to be her portion. No matter what hardship she faced, the challenges that were thrown at her, she faced life with a smile and struggled on. He was finding himself more and more attached to her. She inspired him, challenged him and made him crazy about her all at the same time. He knew now why she had won such loyalty and heroine worship among the village women wherever she went. She was the perfect subject for his documentary.

After a long day at work, Aryan twisted and turned on his narrow makeshift bed. Sleep wasn't coming easy to him this night. The wind whipped at his tent and howled through the gaps and crannies making horrific noises. Through all that he heard a high shrill scream rent the air. There was only Rini's tent next to him. They were at an isolated campsite and there was definitely no one else around. He scrambled out of bed and braving the wind dashed into her tent. Rini was convulsing in the throes of a nightmare. He patted her gently trying to awaken her but she did not cease, nor did she waken. He stroked her forehead and rubbed her hands. Finally she seemed to go back to peaceful sleep.